
Małgorzata Owsiany’s text (a story of a hopeless life of a group of young drug addicts from a Warsaw district) served only as a sketch for the performance and for the work on dialogues. The aim was to awaken the dead, journalist matter to life and to channel it also inside the characters. The focus is put on the fantasies, dreams, and fears shared by the friends. The characters want to leave their home, possibly on the board of one of the planes that fly over the sandpit. Their dreams are clumsy and probably impossible to realise, yet they are authentic.

The actors subtly mark their detachment towards the types they create; their characters are older and wiser than the ones in the literary original. Fearful of the world, they are torn between contradictory impulses. They will learn that the consequences of crossing moral and social rules will only make an impact on their friendship and themselves, but will not change the world they live in.